Sand Lake

美 [sænd leɪk]英 [sænd leɪk]
  • 网络沙湖;宁夏沙湖;桑德莱克;平罗沙湖
Sand LakeSand Lake
  1. Effect of Tourism Development on Water Environment of Sand Lake in Ningxia


  2. An Analysis on Tourism Market in Sand Lake Scenic Area of Ningxia


  3. Problems of Water Environment and Their Protective Measures in the Sand Lake Tourist Area of Ningxia


  4. Problems of Ecological Environment and Their Remedial Measures in Sand Lake Scenic Area Ningxia


  5. Desert , water and reed mashes blend in this 80-square-kilometer area , which forms a unique geographic phenomenon called sand lake .


  6. Characteristics of Water and Sand in Dongting Lake and its Analysis of Sand Deposits


  7. Discussion on depositing of clay and sand in Chaohu lake


  8. The immense oriented meandering river , along the long axis of the depression and with the gentle declivity and long slope , carried a large amount of mud and sand into the lake basin .


  9. This paper reports the species composition , distribution , ecotypes and similarity of freshwater algae from five different habitats , i. e. in water , snow , mud sand of West Lake and red colored snow in penguin guano and snow in moss cushions around Great Wall Station .


  10. The calculation of sand discharge entering Qinghai Lake and formation of submerged barries


  11. Besides , as sand excavation destroys the lake bed , its existing hydrological condition has changed , threatening the natural supply of fish the mammals feed on .


  12. Or , do you live your life in little concentric circles , like the grain of sand dropped into a lake , which does not make even a decent ripple ?


  13. The evolution process of the sags consists of three great cycles and six secondary transgression and regression cycles , which governs the longitudinal distribution of the sand bodies in the lake basin .


  14. Peng Xianglin is the boss of a local company in Yueyang . In his eyes , those who can get approval for sand excavation on Dongting Lake are never ordinary people .
